Providing Superior Health and Life Through Chiropractic care
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Chiropractic care for your family like we provide for ours.
"Chiropractic care is about a lot more than pain, It's about your life!"
Chiropractor Greenwich NY
Achieve Better Health
Drs. Kevin and Jackie Flynn are chiropractors serving Greenwich and surrounding areas. We honor the fact that your body is a miracle created by God and There is an intelligence in you that is responsible for maintaining you in a state of optimal function, Chiropractors refer to this as innate intelligence.
Innate intelligence utilizes your brain and spinal cord as a "super computer" that monitors information coming in from the organs, glands and tissues of your body, makes adjustments and sends out new orders to those tissues with a mission of keeping you alive and healthy.
Your spinal cord is protected by 24 movable bones known as vertebrae. Stressors in life can allow the bones of your spine to slip out of their optimal position, this is referred to as a vertebral subluxation.
Vertebral subluations cause interference between your brain and your body. This interference causes a loss of function in the body that is detrimental to your Life.
The sole purpose of Chiropractic is to restore the connection between your brain and body so that you can function better, heal better and live life to it's fullest potential!